The Dance of the Spirits
Tannis Beardmore
Policies and Payments
The Dance of the Spirits is an all inclusive safe space for all races, gender identities, sexualities and disabilities. If you have a preferred pronoun please email us so we may address you properly. If you have a disability please email us so we may accommodate you accordingly. **Please note disability accommodations may take us longer to perform the work being done, at NO EXTRA CHARGE**
Payment is after the time of service.
Cancellation policy
Cancellation of a session is required at least 24 hrs in advance by phone or by email.
The shamanic sessions and the resulting information are not meant to replace medical advice as we do not diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any illness or disease. For addressing any health issues consult a qualified medical professional of your choice.
Ethical Considerations
We agree:
1. To treat others, including clients as we would like to be treated, non-judgmentally and with honesty.
2. To maintain client confidentiality. Confidential information may be shared with the authorities if a client is in immediate danger to themselves or others.
3. To only work with the client's informed consent. If the client is under the legal age of consent (18 yrs in Canada and the US) then legal consent would be given by their parent or legal guardian.